Monday, October 15, 2007

very challenging itinerary

We received news several days ago that there is a change to our itinerary again. The person responsible to bring Carson to us cannot bring him on the scheduled day. She is bringing another child on the 22nd and cannot make the trip back to Dalian to get Carson and be back in Shenyang on time. So it was decided that she would bring him with her while she brings the other child. Great news that we will meet him several days earlier.
The challenging part is that we land in Beijing at 2:25 PM, wait at the airport until 6:10 to make the hour flight to Shenyang. Our guide will meet us and take us to our hotel to check in. Then WE GET CARSON! No shower, no changing clothes, nada. We will look like zombies but adrenaline will probably have up pretty hyped up. A positive may be that we are at the end of the day so if it is overwhelming for Carson, it will soon be bedtime and he can relax. I am nervous about the first meeting. One can't scoop up an 8 year old like you would a baby. But, I want him to feel how much we already love him. A gift, a snack, and maybe a talk through our guide and off to bed.
I just hope that he is not sitting in the lobby waiting for us when we walk into the hotel!

1 comment:

Lene said...

10/23 We are thinking about you as you begin to adjust as a new family. The girls have just looked at the pictures and know Carson. Hope said "that's my brother" Hannah said "I want juice" So,,,,,we are having glorious sunny weather- wish you were here.