Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Last Night in China

We are back from the swearing in ceremony and starting the preparations for home. I finished the shopping tonight and bought another suitcase. One more silver lining to Carson’s behavior is that I have done much less shopping this trip.

We have gone all day without one negative outburst. It is now 7 PM. We met up with some other families at noon in Shamian park. They were a half hour late and Carson actually didn’t get upset. He was very excited about shooting off the confetti flowers and we were worried that he would go nuts when they didn’t show up. However, he behaved during the whole event. He and baba went back to the room while I did a little shopping before the swearing in. He was fine during the whole consulate procedure, although he did enjoy talking to anyone official. Most of them good naturedly chatted with him.

He has really wanted to be carried by Keith this last couple of days. With self-preservation in mind, Keith has obliged.

We check out at 5:30 AM in the morning headed to Hong Kong. We have 3 hours to wait in the airport there before heading to San Francisco. Then a shorter wait in SF for our last flight. Let’s hope that Carson does some sleeping on the flights to pass the time.

We can’t wait to get to California away from all the smoke here. Our girls will be releasing their last balloon for us and we are eager to follow it.

Hope and Hannah, we‘re almost there!


Lisa said...


I want to wish you and your family all the best. I have enjoyed following your journey and really cannot wait to see a picture of Carson.

I pray that once you are all home and settled in, that Carson finds peace with his new life.

Good Luck to you all.


Pam said...

I know you can't wait to be home! Praying for your safe journey and Carson settling into his family. Neat that he wanted Keith to carry him-sounds like bonding to me!

Pam (Dalian Group)