Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Bird No Longer Chirps

I will only write pleasant things tonight. Other than Carson getting friendly with the coi during breakfast, we started our day well. We opted out of both temple tours as we thought Carson would not enjoy them. We headed for the playground around 1 and spent nearly 4 hours there. Carson buddied up with a couple of neighborhood boys and had a great time. It was so great watching him in what probably felt like a more natural environment for him. A couple of times he and his buddies left the play area and ducked into alleyways or gates and Keith chased them. Probably normal boy stuff. We ended up kind of covering both ends of the play area just in case. Four hours is a long time to hang at a playground, but in our case, was a welcome respite.

We took some laundry to a local shop. I look forward to picking it up as I remember how wonderfully clean and pressed it all came back. I will also do most of my shopping tomorrow without the boys. I have a list and GZ is definitely the place to do it.

Tomorrow is the red Couch picture and the trip to the Pearl Market. Keith and Carson will skip this trip and I will spend a blissful hour and a half with the group. The Pearl market is a 7 (or 8?) story market with wholesale jewelry shops. We bought a great deal there last trip, including Hope and Hannah’s 16th birthday pearls. I will enjoy tomorrow more than any other day here thus far.

Our swearing in ceremony is the day after tomorrow which feels kind of odd. Last time, we did the searing in and then all walked back for the photos. However it happens this time, I don’t really care. Just get us back home. These extra days that Dalian has required are starting to wear on me. We skyped with the girls this morning and they told us that they released a star balloon last night to help us find out way home. Another one goes up tonight.

The bird no longer chirps. Carson snuck it into the bathtub with him this morning. After it dried out some it makes a very sick noise. It’s sort of like an injured animal in slow motion. We had our guide explain to him that anything with batteries cannot go into the water. We also had him explain that if he continues to destroy things, we will stop buying them.

Impressions from this trip:

After spending so many hours on the playground this trip, it is clear that the people love their children so much. They get out there and play, not view from the sideline.

The people here really try to make everything look pretty. Even things that look a little garish to us are really attempts to create beauty. Plants are everywhere. Silk or paper flowers are on so many things. Simple can be so beautiful.

Several people have asked to practice their English on us. I enjoyed it this time. Even children on the playground have come up saying “hello, what is your name?” They had such big smiles and it was fun.

Noodles: how many ways can you cook noodles? There must be hundreds because every time I eat them it is different and good. I have to find out where to find udon noodles at home. I ate them every morning in Shenyang.

The adoptive families: those of you yet to come will find out what I mean here soon. When you sit at breakfast at the White Swan, you will see dozens of families with new members. When you think about the impact that these families are having on the lives of so many people it is overwhelming. Our first morning back here, I sat just looking with tears. One family, one person can have such a positive impact on this world. I know that most of us are not adopting just to change the world. For Keith and I that is part of the reason, but mostly it is to grow our family in a meaningful way. To be part of this adoption family is special and a life changing thing. Carson is testing us and we will pass. Wow. What a ride life can be!!

1 comment:

Pam said...


I enjoy so much hearing all you're learning there. You're preparing all who wait at home. I do agree that it is a long trip and I'm not even there yet!

Have fun shopping and yes we want to see red couch pictures!